
Playing the vegetables

Do you know that vegetables can be musical instruments? I knew that pumpkins are good as percussion instruments. But I can't imagine you can also play carrots, tomatoes, aubergines, peppers, leeks, cucumbers and parsley. And someone takes it very seriously. Flavia Foradini has met the Vienna Vegetable Orchestra and talked about their meeting on the magazine Ventiquattro. Eleven musicians go to the market and chose their material, then build the instruments the'll use in their concerts, fragile instruments that become a soup after the performance. I visited their website (http://www.gemueseorchester.org/) because I wanted to know what kind of music you can make in this way and I was wrongfooted: the result reminded me some works of John Cage I studied at school, something similar to a particular kind of electronic music. That's incredible.
But creativity in this field has no limits. Give a look at this video and at the related posts: http://www.noantri.com/vienna-vegetable-orchestra-video.html
I like very much http://www.noantri.com/ford-unorchestra-suona-strumenti-interamente-ricavati-da-pezzi-di-un-auto-video.html: every time I listened to this music on the radio I asked myself: what is it? That's the answer!
Oh dear, the world is full of genius! I love it.
PS: well, it's not about experimental music, but I think that this video is wonderful. http://www.noantri.com/telemetry-orchestra-under-the-cherry-tree-video.html
Special thanks to noantri.com for collecting these videos.


An unespected suggestion

I was turning over the pages of a fashion magazine, when I found an advertising of a bag. Something attracted me: on the bag there was a sentence. I asked myself if it could be a quotation, so I looked for it on the Web and I discovered that it was by Jim Morrison.

He said (I’m translating from italian):
Sometimes the winner is simply a dreamer who never gave in.

I thought in a while at all the times I have desired something, but I didn’t believe I could reach it. Maybe my unsuccesses are dued only to my mistrust. When I was a child I was a great dreamer. I dreamt to work for the Walt Disney, drawing cartoons. And it was not so impossible, because my school once organised a lesson with an illustrator who worked for them. But I didn’t take part to that lesson, because my mother convinced me it was no worth. I don’t know what I would be doing right now if that day I had gone to school, but I know I’ll never let someone to steal me another dream.