Dear Infant Jesus,
today is Christmas’ Eve, and I’m happy because even this year Christmas is here. And it doesn’t worth if I’m ready or not, how I lived this year or what I did today, if I was good or bad. I know you don’t mind of that. Chistmas is here, and nothing else. I like that so much.
In the last days I listened to a lot of different opinions about this feast. Most people are looking forward to relax for a while, and this is good. A lot of them says that Christmas is a consumeristic feast, and this can be true (however I like to give and receive presents). All these words make me feel a little angry and a little sad.
I was lucky, because I heard a special word while I was playing the orgue in the church. We usually think that Advent is a period during which we have to wait in a more intense way the Lord who is coming: we have to make an effort. Don Marco said something that inverted the perspective: Advent is the time in which Lord is coming near.
Then I ask you this present: I’d like that everybody (it doesn’t matter their religious faith) stop a while and feel God close to them.
Hello world!
8 years ago
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