
An unespected suggestion

I was turning over the pages of a fashion magazine, when I found an advertising of a bag. Something attracted me: on the bag there was a sentence. I asked myself if it could be a quotation, so I looked for it on the Web and I discovered that it was by Jim Morrison.

He said (I’m translating from italian):
Sometimes the winner is simply a dreamer who never gave in.

I thought in a while at all the times I have desired something, but I didn’t believe I could reach it. Maybe my unsuccesses are dued only to my mistrust. When I was a child I was a great dreamer. I dreamt to work for the Walt Disney, drawing cartoons. And it was not so impossible, because my school once organised a lesson with an illustrator who worked for them. But I didn’t take part to that lesson, because my mother convinced me it was no worth. I don’t know what I would be doing right now if that day I had gone to school, but I know I’ll never let someone to steal me another dream.

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