
A fall is not the end

Today I received a great gift. Through one of the blogs that I follow I had the opportunity to watch the video below and to know the incredible Nick Vujicic:

I think Nick is a blessing for us all. May the strength and joy that we can see in his face, his actions and his words infect us all to expand the boundaries of our heart and our soul. Only Nick knows through which suffering his exceptional vitality has grown up: may his example remember us that we have everything we need to be happy.




"May peace dwell in you. May you know and trust that you are exactly where you need to stay. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that arise through the faith in yourself and in others. MAy you use your gifts, and pass to others the love that you've received. May you be happy to be the person you are, as you are now, in this moment. Let this awareness to penetrate to your bones and give to your soul the freedom to sing, dance, pray and love. All this is here for each and all of us. "

Thanks Martina for sending to me this prayer. I want to share it because it’s a treasure.


The Breastplate of St. Patrick

 I Bind to Myself this day,

the Strong Virtue of the Invocation of the Most Holy Trinity,

the Faith of the Most Holy Trinity in Unity,

the Creator of the Elements.


I Bind to Myself this day,

the Power of the Incarnation of Christ and His Baptism,

the Power of His Crucifixion with His Burial,

the Power of His Resurrection with His Ascension,

the Power  of His Coming to the sentence of the Judgement.


I Bind to Myself this day,

the Power in the Love of Seraphim,

in the Obedience of Angels,

in the Hope of Resurrection unto Reward,

in the Prayers of the Patriarchs,

in the Predictions of Prophets,

in the Preaching of Apostles,

in the Faith of Confessors,

in the Purity of Virgins,

in the Deeds of Holy Men.


I Bind to Myself this day,

the Power of God to guide me,

the Might of God to Uphold me,

the Wisdom of God to teach me,

the Eye of God to watch over me,

the Ear of God to hear me,

the Word of God to give me speech,

the Hand of God to protect me,

the Way of God to lie before me,

the Shield of God to shelter me,

the Host of God to defend me

against the Snares of Demons,

against the Temptations of Vices,

against the Lusts of Nature,

against Every Man that meditates Injury to me,

whether far or near,

whether alone or with many.


I have invoked all these Virtues,

against every hostile, savage Power

warring upon my Body and my Soul,

against the Enchantments of false Prophets,

against black Laws of Heathenism,

against the false Laws of Heresy,

against the Deceits of Idolatry,

against the Spells of Women,

Magicians and Druids,

against all Knowledge which binds the Soul of Man.


Christ protect me this day

against Poison, against Burning,

against Drowning, against Wounding,

that I may receive abundant Reward.

Christ be with me, Christ before me,

Christ be after me, Christ within me,

Christ below me, Christ above me.

Christ at my right Hand, Christ at my left,

Christ in the Heart of every Man who thinks of me,

Christ in the Mouth of every Man who speaks to me,

Christ in every Eye that sees me,

Christ in every ear that hears me.


I bind to myself this day,

the strong Faith of the Invocation ot the Most Holy Trinity,

the Faith of the Most Holy Trinity in Unity,

the Creator of the Elements,

Salvation is the Lord’s,

Salvation is from Christ,

Thy Salvation, O Lord, be with us for ever.


I brought home with me this prayer when I returned from my trip to Ireland last summer, a trip for which I have much to thank. I would like to celebrate by this the feast of St. Patrick, as well as with rivers of beer.


Teachers on Facebook?

"What do you think about Facebook?"  asked me a friend of mine, who is a teacher in a high school. I answered: 'It is a tool, nothing more, nothing less than a tool. It can be useful and at the same time you can do lot of nonsense with it. You can lose a lot of time, you can save a lot of time. It depends on you. I have a profile on Facebook. When I registered, I asked myself: what is it for? Later I was surprised because I found a lot of old classmates and friend that now are living so far from me and I had the opportunity to stay in touch again. Now I’m trying to find the best way to use it." 
I know the the real reason of her request, because I had already discussed about that with another friend, who is a teacher too. She’s suspicious about Facebook, not for the characteristics of the tool itself but because some collegues of hers use of in a way that she judge improper.

 I do not want to investigate the matter, because I’m not the right person to do that. I respect the position of the teachers who decide not to have a profile because they don’t want to get involved in strange relationships with their students, and I imagine that those who decide to have a profile are motivated by good intentions.

I would rather to submit you the opinion of my husband, who commented as follows: given that Facebook is used by students, I think that teachers should have a profile themselves and be educators also on Facebook, showing a “good” style, a “good” way to use it. Even a profile on Facebook and its use may be a way to be an example. 
Articles alarmed and alarming that reveal the destructive potential of social networking makes frankly me laugh. And I ask myself: aren’t we capable of discretion? Has our reason been sucked by the cyberspace? Or it never existed? If a technology is able to control myself I do not think that the problem lies in technology, but in my weakness. The real problem is not that young people use Internet, but the fact of having or not ahead of them adults who are really adults, credible witnesses of a way of being interesting, beautiful, good; people who walk through their life with their limits and their virtues, conscious of that and constantly working to improve themselves and the rest of the world, even through Facebook.


Stefano non ridere!
1-2-3 prova, sa sa sa